Practice & Warm-up Policies

Purpose: To establish a uniform and practical policy fair to all golfers and to maintain the condition of the golf course.


  • Practice – The time when one is out practicing their golf swing and game.
  • Warm-up – This is when one is warming up before a competitive round.

General note – The rules of golf apply to this policy – NO practice is allowed on the course before a strokeplay round and light practice before a matchplay round.

Guideline: When practicing, replace your divots and repair pitch marks (plus 2 more for good measure).

Practice Areas:

There are limited practice facilities at the Masterton Golf Club.

  1. Full shots – The area next to the 2nd Hole Red Tee behind the 1st Green can be used to hit shots with any club. Shots are to be hit in the direction of the 2nd Fairway. Don’t hit the balls back from the fairway area.
    Note: The 2nd Hole Red Tee is not a practice area, it is part of the course, don’t use this area.
  2. Putting & chipping – The practice green if front of the clubhouse. Limit hitting to the area bounded by the fences and tees. No full shots on to this green.
  3. Pitching & chipping – The area below the 9th Blue Tee and bordered by the red staked drain, approximately 40 metres down the hill. This includes the practice bunkers. This area is to be used for hitting shots 40 metres or less.
    Note: Rake the bunkers after use.
  4. Practice cages – behind the 9th Blue Tee. On non-competition days, one may hit off the mats up the 9th Fairway, using caution when golfers are around.

On The Course:

Limit of 2 golf balls in play.

Remember the guideline: Replace divots and repair pitch marks
Warm-up areas:

  • The area as described in #1 above.
  • The Putting practice green in #2 above.
  • The Pitching practice green in #3 above
  • The cages behind the 9th Blue Tee, but no hitting to the 9th fairway before competitive rounds.

The Professional teaching areas and the areas outside of the trees and fences around the putting green are considered part of the course and therefore are NOT areas to warm up in.

These are the only areas available for warm up and practice. Please constrain your practice activities to the above guidelines for the enjoyment of all.